All Posts
Didn't find what you were looking for? It might be here:
You Wake Up
Clustering ideas with Llamafile and Web Components
Clustering ideas with Llamafile
Clustering ideas with local ML/AI models
Clustering ideas by topic with machine learning and generative AI
I like automations for inclusive development
Using SQLite as a document database for Mastodon exports
The Machine is Grieving
Synology + Docker + VSCode
Begging for Treats
Animating Mermaid diagrams with terrible hacks
Taking the Red Shoes
Pet Intersect
Sorina's Magic Eyes
Radmilo and Helenka
Cozy Hyperspace
Sando Aggro
Solid State Children
Vegas Nerves
Jay's Machine Friends
Konnor's First Paycheck
Radmilo and Dominik
Judge Rhisart
Finley and Charley
Kyleigh and Helenka
Making Friends with Peanuts
Vinge and Vonda
Left on Read
Roxy's Faceroll
Megachurch of the Shattered
Familiar Strangers
Vincent's Voyage
Ivo's Act
Yasir's Getaway
Avery's Deployment
Koga's Cauldron
Finley's Overtime
Garth's Acquisition
Cyril's Wisdom
Jacob's Drive
Mala's Daring
Chemryth's Hoard
Korrine's Hare
Poppy's Metaverse
Alexi's Atlantis
Marek and Korrine
Sorrel and Sage
Rhys' Victory
Fiona's Folly
Charley's exam
Huey's Great Resignation
Space Girl Fawn
The Magician
Spying on Big Sonic Heaven
SIO2Pi = Atari 800 + Raspberry Pi
Fun with Themes in Firefox
I Made a WiFi Pumpkin
Pages and Pens
Upgrading my Couch PC monitor, v1.2
Firefox Test Pilot: The Flattening
Poking the Mongo on Pico-8
On the Yak Shaving Habits of a Writer
Making of the GameChord
How I learned to love spreadsheets in space
Building a USB controller for an IBM Model M
Keyboard hacking seems like fun
Review: Steam Controller
Catbearcoin, a web science fiction story
Being nice at AlterConf
The day the web shrugged?
Adding Android to a multi-platform React app
The web is awesome
- Experimenting with a multi-platform app using React
The Verge's web sucks
Goodbye, Puck
- Parsec Patrol Diaries: Construction Time Again
Random thoughts for 2014 Nov 25
- Playing with a node.js app project layout
Parsec Patrol Diaries: How To Avoid Smashing Into Things
Parsec Patrol Diaries: Entity Component Systems
Parsec Patrol Diaries: Hello World
Parsec Patrol Diaries: Why a Game?
- Behemoth, Part 1
- I like it when services treat me like I treat my pets
Too long? Read anyway.
Looking for a Django app to manage Roles within Groups
- KumaScript: Bringing scripting to the wiki bears
Building my couch computing station
- Naming Things: CamelCase vs snake_case
Gaming from the Orchard House couch
Trifecta #59: Intention
- My experience in becoming a FirefoxOS contributor
- Freedom to Change Your Mind
Things I learned from my High School science teacher
- Freedom {of,from} Choice
- Developing Open Web Apps: First, get it onto the web
- On the other end of a self-imposed death march project
- Did you look under the couch?
- In praise of dumb pipes – or, ISPs: please don’t get smart with me!
- Mercury must be in retrograde
- Note to self File a bug to get…
How webdev is like space exploration
How webdev has been getting better
- Biospheric Xenophobia
Today is Rush Day
Happy anniversary to me! (oh and for us too)
- Homebrew Biotech Club
- On the Market
- Bookshelves
- Lonely Timeless Flight
- Moravec’s Cats
- Stuxnet was awesome, right?
Please Do Learn To Code
Putting clouds in boxes for webdevs at Mozilla
Five years
- Cutting the Cord (or: Bright House, you're fired)
Pay phones and Firefox features
Introducing Fireriver, a River of News for Firefox 4
What should be done about feeds in browsers?
How to use feed auto-discovery in Firefox 4
What happened to feed auto-discovery in Firefox 4?
- Let a million bookmarks bloom
Less than ever before
- so simultaneously extraordinary and mundane
Firefox Sync server on Google App Engine
Case Study: Building a Bookmark Management UI for Mozilla's BYOB
- Don't Thank the Gnomes
- Famous Last Words
Reviving my C64 history with a uIEC/SD
- Mass Effect 2: A Review
Professional JavaScript Frameworks is a real book!
- HTML5 drag and drop in Firefox 3.5
- Controlled Monetization
- From Spaceman to Plantsman
- I (used to) like rev="canonical"
- 7 facts about me
Enter the LizardFeeder
- Resolutions
- Three Years in Review
The Concise Guide to Dojo is a real book!
- An unnecessary Template Attribute Language
- Jelly Stains and Web Masons
- Upgrades versus Antiques
Improving my Delicious command for Ubiquity
Writing a Delicious command for Ubiquity
- Ubiquity cracks open personal mashup tinkering
- Moz08: Rockslides and Blackouts and Bears - Oh My!
- delicious 2.0 legacy bookmarklet fix
- using Twitterrific with
- date-based pagination
- Queue everything and delight everyone
- on what should I hack next?
- Why I'm playing with Laconica
- Getting Laconica up and running
- Putting the Sexy into Firefox Theme Browsing
- Firefox 3 Download Day Mega Widget
- Week 3 at Mozilla
- Go Midwest, Young Man!
- In retrospect
- time machine is letting me down
- amazing visitors
- Metablogging
- Comments fixed
- Next serial enthusiasm?
- Got me a Centro
- wow, eve, and delicious
- hacked?
- Outsourcing creativity via APIs
- Twitter's Mojo Bubble
- Wine is Nicely Enabled
- OPML reading lists in FeedMagick2
- Beautiful Code
- bookmarking outlier
- Invites to the delicious preview
- Dad
- sadness for my dead palmtop
- A Curmudgeon Playing with the CodeIgniter Framework and OpenID
- A Curmudgeon Playing with the Zend Framework
hack day in london!
- Outsourced hoarding
- Cilantro of the web
- scribbling in ink
- Say hello to FeedMagick2
- i (heart) ficlets, microformats, and feed scrapers
- Ficlets enhanced author feed, an XSL scraper hack
- a new direction
- Frustrations in using iTunes and iPod to capture podcast listening behavior
- suggestion: tinfoil hat for digg mind control laser defense
- i should be writing
- Thoughts on Pipes on the Web - Part II
- Thoughts on Pipes on the Web
- Is this the WrongRoom?
- A Writer's Toolkit by Rudy Rucker
- Personal rebalancing brain dump
- the iphone will not be your new mobile computer
- rss feeds of bookmarklets?
- the auction house is the game
- do not taunt happy fun JSON
- correlation is not causation
- drag and drop and the missing mouseup
- yahoo TV refreshed, redux and rejected
- yahoo TV refreshed
- painfully metalicious
stickis and subethaedit icon
- content sniffing sucks
- macbook pro volume settings are aware of headphone presence
- XoxoOutliner and further outline addressing adventures
- XoxoOutliner and suboutline addressing
- XoxoOutliner shows some signs of life
- of sheep farming and retirement
- firefox, rss, xsl - from anger to apathy
- XoxoOutliner rewrite coming, now with event delegation
- Firefox 2.0 breaks client-side XSL for RSS and Atom feeds
- Event Delegation based DHTML Drag and Drop?
- Microsummaries and Content-Type Mysteries
- clubhouse games FTW on nintendo ds
- throttling the basement hacker
- nell james and marketing
- firefox 2.0 ftw
Back in the Saddle Again
- second lifeless
- i'm in the nintendo ds homebrew club now
- Just call me "Crash"
- mc chris ftw!
- world of warcraft is my world of warcraft
- dialup ghost towns and amazon ec2
- When virtual banks fail, seek virtual laws
- I refuse to be afraid
- Amazon EC2 emerges
meetro asks myspace who i am
- So long, and thanks for all the Stargate
- firefox and macbook pro oddities
- Don't ask me who I am
- optimized for thumbnailing
- Ajaxitagging
Hacking is out and about!
- On being talked about
- The second rule of Defcon is...
- I (heart) my filthy Happy Hacking Keyboard
- xml-stylesheet and the World of Warcraft home page
- Young man, gone west
- Go West, but Where?
- Go West, Young Man!
- Honeymoon is go!
- Wedding Day is Today
- An Exception to the Serial Enthusiast Rule
- Confessions of a Serial Enthusiast
- Back to NewsRiver, and hacking lists of Reading Lists
- Firefox and flash of styled XML
- iptables, port forwarding, and access from LAN-side
- Checking out indieKarma
- Hacking is my World of Warcraft
- Inform 7 is insanely wonderful and full of words
- Even Less About Ajax
- Monkeying with Scifipedia
- Playing with Wii
Geotagging Flood on
- A Honeymoon in San Francisco
- S3AjaxWiki got noticed
- More on S3AjaxWiki
- An S3 AJAX Wiki
- An Ode to AppleCare
- Aging PowerBook with Loose Teeth
On Library Camp
- Library Camp 2006
- and PUT / DELETE
- Multi-lingual S3 action
- pysqlite now in the Python 2.5 standard library?!
- Parameterize your service URL for the S3 REST API
- Private client-side cookies for AJAX?
- Upload from local file via AJAX?
- S3: Next Big Thing?
- Greasemonkey Hivemind
- In search of: A server reference implementation of the Atom Publishing Protocol?
- JavaScript apps with read/write access to S3
- When is AJAX not AJAX?
- On Ignorant Feed Handling
About XoxoOutliner
- More IntelliTXT crud (and, oh, AIM has an SDK coming)
- Subscription lists defined in OPML 2.0 spec
- OPML 2 spec review in progress
- More long tail yawps
- Quick updates from my parallel universe
- I don't get AJAX homepages
- Why XOXO?
- The OPML Editor means Getting Things Blogged
- More on the blogosphere as a tuple space
Tweaked the squelch on my outboard brains
- Galactic busboy
- Just say no to validation porn, says Ben
- Instant Outline as .plan
- .plan
- OPML to XOXO to Technorati Favorites
- Hello to Dr. Steve!
- Bookmarking-styles of the rich and famous
- Praxis is not just a Klingon moon
- OPML Community Server in PHP
- Handedness, GUIs, and Outliners
- Return of the Bluetooth Ghost
- A pair of podcast nods
- Three guys are having lunch
- Just put on your XOXO-colored glasses
- Jabbering about 2002 all over again
- The OPML Editor is Open Source
- Asides from an alternate universe
- Pre-sleep bullet points
- Got myself a new cellphone
- Evening Whiskey Notes
- Morning Oatmeal Notes
- WordPress tool working in OPML Editor
- The blogosphere is even more like a tuple space
- Audio comments via Odeo +
- radioio rocks on the xbox
- Scuttle is nifty
- iPod routing via in Firefox
- I have a account
- Quantum OPML flux
- I like the sun.
- Further work on decafbadNewsRiver
- All quiet on the IRC front
- coComment for coCommenters only?
- Getting reoriented with the OPML Editor
- A Long-Tailed Creative Yawp
- links for 2006-02-09
- links for 2006-02-08
- How's my (link) driving?
Reading lists for Auto Shows
- links for 2006-02-07
- links for 2006-02-06
- links for 2006-02-05
- links for 2006-02-04
- links for 2006-02-03
- links for 2006-02-02
- links for 2006-02-01
- links for 2006-01-31
- links for 2006-01-30
- links for 2006-01-29
- Don't Pee in the Potato Chips
- links for 2006-01-28
- links for 2006-01-27
- links for 2006-01-26
- Podcasts I like lately
- Server downtime - I wish I had downtime
- links for 2006-01-24
- links for 2006-01-23
- links for 2006-01-22
- links for 2006-01-21
- links for 2006-01-20
- Books I've read lately
- Google ad madness
- My links in a Bitty Browser
- A new way to stretch lines between dragged boxes
- Got your music store butting into my library
- Look mom, I'm on the podcast!
- Hurr durr zzzz
- Look, Mom, I'm on the radio!
- New feed reader ideas for the new year?
- Chatbots + RSS = Hot?
- On choosing Python for Hacking RSS and Atom
- Stray bullets of incoherent thought
- Like a blonde ouroboros
- Modding is not the same as piracy
- Sometimes the lazyweb delivers with a deluge
- FeedBurner feeds give heartburn to PHP XML parsers?
- Okay, okay, JSON is pretty hot
- JS versus PHP?
- Not-so-deep PHP thoughts
- Stupid fun with fax machines
- Hacking is a real book!
- FeedMagick, the feed filter that doesn't know much about feeds
- FeedMagick, the show-me-don't-tell-me edition
- Who's using Natural Docs?
- and Yahoo! sitting in a tree
- Mochi's Basic
- But I thought this was Tuesday
- RSS plumbing in PHP nowhere to be found?
- Tab Sidebar update and more userChrome.css hacking
- Blogrolls grow up to become feedrolls?
- Feedrolls in XOXO from OPML via XSLT and URL-line Magic
- Unify your UI, but be careful with the chrome
- It's back to Firefox for me!
How I spent my burn-in period
- Digging up embedded XOXO outlines
- Subscriptions are attention, but what about blogrolls?
- I wish it were in XOXO
- Outlining by the fittest
Shoot the core!
- Those who brew with no master
- Do gophers make good stuffing?
- Dwonnnnnnnng
- I'm a guest Greasemonkey hacker
- Import by guess
- Yahoo! Bathroom! from! Hell!
- Remember to seed!
- Christmas Under Siege
Raise your Aerials
Attack of the iPhoto Flickr Export Flood
- dooce "sells out", feeds family, pays bills
- Yahoo for stalking iPods in the hands of couriers
- D.I.Y. checkout lane
- Why proprietary?
- Why Microsoft?
- Still Seeking an Exploded Tinderbox for Tiger
- Linux Just Works
- No more Second Life
- Sundown
- Podcasts in my car via CDR sneakernet
- It's back to OmniWeb for me!
- Working on a Tripkodoo business plan tonight
- Jabber Oracle: a quicker, n00bier guru?
- Video Games Live^WDead
- iPod go thud then click, click, click.
- IPython as networked command shell on XBMC?
- Looks like I need a new library card
- Happy Birthday to me!
- Yield to the Zen of Netflix
- Who needs to go to the office?
- Colloquy via Browser
- The Bluetooth Ghost
- West of House
- Spaceship Radio is nifty
- Once More with Cease and Desist Letters
- Serenity is a Big Damn Roller Coaster
- Fighting phishing with counter-passwords
- Internet TV: Where's the Feed?
- Minding the Planet: The Spherical Desktop
- iPod with video versus cable TV
- The 8th dungeon is on Warren, just off Woodward
- Now go make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
- Krispy Kreme can't beat CompUSA
- Urban Birdsong: Copyright and Cores of Culture
- DOM Scripting sounds like a fine book
Google Reader: Big, blue, chunky water-wings
- Ads in Slate's RSS: Fresh promos, updated on demand in stale content
- Dinner with Engelbart
- Threshold, the sci-fi with 5 blades?
- No user serviceable fans
- Toolbars and Java, Happy Meals and Lego
- Ancestor rocks like a (creepy) rocking thing
- Acquisitions 2.0
- RedHanded » Announcing the MouseHole Proxy
- Half-hearted Gopher NG
- Web directories with XOXO and XSL
- A kerfluffle of OPML and web directories
- Trac rocks like a really rocking thing
Ode to a vertical tab strip in Firefox
- MIT's $100 laptop
- Racking up the Amazon Associate sales
- LiveJournal, über social software
- Hello Colophon
- Colophon
- My, aren't we posty?
- On attempted conversions via blog comment
- Intelligent Design and the cessation of naming of things
- SSH and screen, better together
- Chewbacca's a pervert
- Comment Tweaks
- 21 Headphone Salute
- iTunes, Podcasts, and "unplayed" episodes
- Another glowing review of Hacking RSS and Atom
- Glowing review from Geek News Central for Hacking RSS and Atom
- Making the Xbox maker friendly
- Let there be no Serenity 1701B
- Battlestar Galactica's opening teaser
- SciFi and truncated opening credits
- The Scene and geek cinéma vérité
- Aeria Gloris
- Hacking categories and tags
- Here goes nothing
My brain's full of fog
- Super-fast DummyPants Addressbarlet for
- Quick and Random Thoughts
- Quick Thoughts for a Thursday
- Homebrew Productivity via Rube Goldberg
- Quick Brain Burps
- A Few Quick Notes on Podcasts
- Discovering WSGI and XSLT as middleware
- AJAX Testing and Logging
- An Experiment in REST and XML
- In-browser XOXO Outliner Experiment
- Suffered a Stroke in my Exocortex
Treemaps from unordered lists and CSS
- Drag the boxes, stretch the lines
- Building a proper shared syndication feed foundation
- Quick post-lunch OS X and iTunes dribblings
- Safari RSS databases in Mac OS X Tiger - or Monkeys and Ninjas and Pirates and Robots, oh my!
- Four thoughts on MS RSS so far
- Microsoft + RSS: Godzilla tiptoes into Tokyo
- Locking down Mac OS X for Intel
- decafbot update & FAQs
- Quick mind interface thoughts
- Fun and not-so-fun
- We're engaged!
- Spotlight Bummers and the CC Metadata Importer
- Two unrelated quick thoughts
- Gadget Flashback
- Downloaded Brains versus VGER
- Blosxom, Tiger, and Spotlight
- Post-Lunch Quicks
- Back to the Quickies
- Further quick thoughts on GreaseMonkey
Magic Microformat Forms Redux, Now with GreaseMonkey!
- Magic Microformat Forms
- What's old (scraping) is new again (microformats)
- Idempotency: It's not just for APIs (or, the web is an API)
- The right place for data in your feed
- More random Tiger and Mac thoughts
- Some thoughts about extended feeds & microcontent
- Happy Birthday Dave!
- Post-lunch Food Coma Thoughts
- Tiger and Tinderbox
- Tiger and .app file extensions
- More Tiger & Etc Thoughts
- Initial Tiger Thoughts
- Links Lobbed at Lunchtime
- Beer, passing time, one more chapter down
Further Random Evening Thoughts
- Atom Format Versioning After Last Call?
- Target Equals Underscore Blank
- Mentions and Bribes
- Forbidden Quickies
Hacking RSS and Atom is a Real Book
- Long time no quicks
- I need me a PSP?
- Online social skills
- One hundred words for snow
- Busy bullets
- Posting brief music bullets
- Kicking the habit, rather than yourself
- Briefly, briefly
- The Arrival of Spring
- Midday Musings
- Bouncing Browsers
- Roleplaying Editors and Dreams
- Weekend quick things
- Techy Miscellaney
Quick, give me a new title pun
- Doctor Demento as Podcast?
- "Nice to meet you Rose... run for your life!"
- Crunch Time and Lit-Tunnel Endpoints
- Quick-o-rama
- Quick Tales from a Busy Weekend
- Hereditary Neophilia
- Quick, like a bunny
- Aging (in progress)
- Tales from the Future: Television
- Feline Defenestration
Quickiedore 64
1.21 quickiewatts?! (What the hell is a quickiewatt?!?)
- Stop. Quickie time.
- Too lazy to think of a quick title
- Ancient software and programmer-archaeologists
- Shallow thoughts of the day
- FeedReactor and Ajax musings
- Faster than a speeding bullet point
- Micro-quickies
- Sunday Night Quickies
- Tonight's Items of Little Import
- Writing No Things of Epic Import
- The Blogosphere as a Tuple Space
- Beginner's Mind versus Teacher's Mind
Mind bombs with delayed fuses
- Belated Happy New Year!
Building an Address Book as a Modern Web App
- Synchronet BBS Software, Tidal Pools, and On-Ramps
- Miscellaneous Thoughts about Exploded PCs
- On Exploding PCs and Appliance Relationships
- The Meta Lathe
- Security and the State of the Computer
Mr. Gruff
Unopened Apple iPod 20GB for sale
If you snore, get tested for sleep apnea. Now.
- Cross-breeding XSLT and ZPT
- Where's the Froogle API?
- Pico-projects and Trepanation
- Early New Years' Resolution
I ran out of costume ideas
- My iPod experience is all about tickling myself.
- I'm one of the iPod generation now
- testing treo 600 + avant go
- Blogging your bliss, or blog like no one's watching.
- This is a test of
- Bootstrapping out into open space
- Hosting advice?
- Markdown formatting for Kwiki
- Moving toward Kwiki, away from TWiki
- Are PowerBook hard drives supposed to sound like Amiga floppy drives?
- Manipulating aggregate resources in a REST API?
- Moving time again
- XPath based Python dictionaries, on loan
- Crappy video games to get more expensive to produce
- "One should never think before one posts."
- mysql and XML output
- Kibo Kibo Kibo
- Use Control-Click for button3 in Apple's X11
- Dork Funk
Wish-of-the-Month Club, Part 3 of 3
- A mini-scraper for the playlist at radioio Rock
- Wish-of-the-Month Club, Part 2 of 3
- Wish-of-the-Month Club, Part 1 of 3
I will do the Fandango.
- I was a pre-teen Transactor author wannabe (and still am!)
- Surprising "feature" at
Birthday party for Bob!
- Just what does one use a Windows PC for anyway?
Nintendo DS returning to Game & Watch roots
- Homebrew entertainment appliances - cheap, open, and embattled
- Put on your RSS-colored glasses and forget about Atom
- Feed validation confusion
- Fun with shell scripting
- Has it been quiet?
- Look, it's a post about not posting!
- This is not my beautiful blog
- Colloquy, an insane IRC client for OS X
- Trying to imagine hackers of cognition and the infinite
- Varied feed polling times versus item urgency in aggregators
Didja get that memo?
- Publishing Quick Links in blosxom with via xmlstarlet
- Building the Recipe Web III
- VoodooPad gets an XML-RPC wiki API
- Building the Recipe Web II
- Building the Recipe Web?
- The Whuffie Web II
As a child, I would have teased Mark Pilgrim
- How about a demo of the Whuffie Web?
- Reviews in RSS feeds
Panther, forgotten connections, and no more lockups
- Late to the Panther party
- A thought about the Nokia N-Gage
- Seeking Out Opposites
- When RSS Developers Attack
- Microcontent and RSS-Data
- Schemas, Freedom, and Control
- RSS-Data and Schema: Thinking about structure and data
- RDF representations of HTTP transactions?
- A quick SOAP primer via IRC (but not SOAP via IRC)
- RSS 2.0 namespace versus RSS-Data, Part 3: Electric Boogalee
- RSS 2.0 namespace versus RSS-Data, Part 2: First impressions
- An example of an RSS 2.0 namespace versus RSS-Data usage
- RSS-Data: XML-RPC encoding in RSS 2.0
- Comment Icons drawn from author's RSS or FOAF files
- Mailbucket syndication feeds
- Dynamic polling times for news aggregators, II
- Dynamic feed polling times for news aggregators
- Atom is its Name-O?
- Feedback loops and syndication
- Flash MX Hates Progressive JPEGs
- Don't copy that floppy, or cracked software strikes back
- An API for Wikis? Here's one.
- White Hat Worms and robots.txt?
- Litany against meetings, courtesy of purl
- Jibot and purl, distant cousins?
- Another BookmarkBlogger in Python
ChangeLog to RSS web service
Using web services and XSLT to scrape RSS from HTML
- Switching to a JVDS server
- Bookmark Blogger in Python
- Again a Student
- CSS, Background Images, and Rollovers
- Scraping with web services: Success
- Scraping HTML with web services
- Scraping HTML with curl, tidy, and XSL
- Syndication feeds to replace email?
- Cookies are yummy
- Issues in using SpamBayes to filter news items
- Tree files too (the prequel)
- Tree files
- Wireless cams for police at Detroit Dream Cruise
- Final round of voting for pie/atom/(n)echo name?
- MiniPCs, Wave of the Future
- Software and Community
- GeniusEngineer Blog of the Day
- Videos on tape (Travan, not VHS)
- My Powerbook's on TV
- Macromedia Central and Deja Vu?
- Google ads getting monotonous?
- Desktops are better than laptops?
- Finding the RSS in Amazon searches
- HTTP/1.1 From header and FOAF use in RSS aggregators
This evening's sleep brought to me by science.
- Tap + Click = Two mouse buttons on a Mac trackpad?
- Textile + Wiki = ...?
- "It isn't working."
- As it turns out, software needs hardware to run.
- Changes in my link blogging
- On tag uniqueness and versioning in Pie/Echo feeds
- Ultra-liberal feed parser
- Backups with my eyes closed?
- Is the magic in RSS, or in Syndication?
- Washed Up, Huh?
- Added a scroller?
- Syndicating Whuffie
- Please fix the XML-RPC spec
- Like I was saying about RSS...
- No Google AdSense for Me
- GUIDs in RSS rock
Why is my Monaco Borken?
Sync My Bookmarks No Longer!
- WWDC (or, I love the net)
- About That Algorithm
- Desktop server + Flash GUI?
Newly Digital in 1983
- Pings Gone Wild
- Don't Call It an Obsession
- Thank You, Readers
- No More Mr. RSSify
- Programming Web Services with Perl
- Mad Trackback Disease
- You've Got Your Whuffie in My Aggregator!
The Matrix BrickPhone
- Google Blog Clog?
- Bayesian Filtering for what I DO want?
- iTunes Music Store RSS Feeds
- Getting a Strange "Component Manager" Message Under OS X?
iTunes Does Indeed Do DRM
What is my iSync doing?
- Indie Music Service (ala Apple)?
- rsync: It's a damn brilliant thing.
- Learning How to Do Magic with Flash and XML
- Do NOT Taunt the Happy Fun Dave
- Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Bloggers
- Further Bitchun Reading...
- OPML vs OML - Fork but don't fight!
- Safari has tabs now, but I've changed my mind.
- Still Alive Out Here
- Arthur's got a bulging blogroll
- The A500 ain't 3G
- The Singularity vs Human Nature
- I want to trade my Gameboy Advance for a GP32.
- New release of BookmarkBlogger available
- .NET Newbie
- No More Searchling?
- Pagination for Blosxom
- Happy Trails to Me, I'm Job-Free: Week One
- iBooks Don't Get Thirsty
- Ping Pong to Weblogs Dot Com
- Building Pipelines with Web Services
- Did I dream the urchin phone?
- Bad Apple, No Battery
Oh, I'm feeling lucky.
- Heading through some turbulence, folks.
- Welcome to 0xDECAFBAD v2.0
- Stop using numbers in your IP addresses.
- Still here, still reading.
- Agent Frank isn't the only one.
- Agent Frank's first download?
Say hello to Agent Frank
- On the road to a rebuild
- Now with SimpleComments!
- Bookmark blogging from Safari via a quick hack
- Perl and Bean Scripting Framework?
- Unplugging to find a clock again?
- An end to my referrer abuse
- INN + blagg + plugin = News Aggregation via NNTP
- How to make a multi-platform monster
- Etiquette with friends & relationships in FOAF?
- Yes, Virginia, there is a Log4Perl.
- Dive into Premium!
- Super-lazy link blogging & in-bookmarks RSS aggregation via AppleScript?
- BeanShell rocks - and, oh yeah, a personal proxy in Java
- AppleScript and application services in the closet
- Vellum and coffee rings
- Looking for variable row height in your NSOutlineViews and NSTableViews?
- Python is for superheroes
- Why Moblog?
- RSS as a more generalized message queue for people
- You had 1200 baud? Sheer luxury!
- Automated openness versus the script kiddies
- On OS X, searches are a mere finger twitch away
- Russell Beattie is a sneaky, mobile guy.
- I second that sacrilege
- Safari: Good riddance to tabs, if there's something better
- Kung-Log back with a Cocoanized Vengance
- Folder Actions + AppleScript = Desktop Blogging. Literally.
- OmniGraffle + AppleScript = RSS news reader
- So, yeah, about that BML thing
- Yet another post about that proxy thing
- More code toward the personal web proxy
- About that Apple stuff today
- Readline support for Python on OS X
- Python RDF repository wanted for web proxy metadata harvester
- Stumbling through compiling Standalone ZODB for Mac OS X
- MovableType gets first class treatment for text formatting
- Sharing my Python proxy experiment
- Making a brane snapshot, re: PersonalWebProxy
- Motivation toward making proxy whatsits
- InCITEing the Spanish Inquisition
- Universal personal proxies & agent companions
- Pushing envelopes and mining the hills
- AmphetaDesk-fed blogroll now cluttering my sidebar
- There is no perfect software design
- PersonalWebProxy as personal Google and Wayback machine
- On joining the FSF: The first actually useful membership card?
- MovableType LDAP integration
- On the road to a PersonalWebProxy
- Think of everything but the obvious first
- THe LazyWeb delivers?
- Stupid enough to buy an "eBook"
- Designing for recombinant growth with the lazyweb
- A lesson in promoting recombinant growth by refusing to reinvent wheels
- Standards based replacement for Exchange scheduling?
- Working on an RDF-based task tracking proof of concept
- FOAF and LiveJournal user info pages
RDFifying my old RSS template...
- Personal Web Proxy, Part the Second
- MoBlog with WAPBlog
- Personal Web Proxies
- The prodigal iBook has returned
- Of arrogance, bluster, and this village idiot
- Moblogging versus BlogWalking
- XML-RPC case study redux, Part III: I'll shut up after this.
- Incomprehensible comment spam drifting in
- Saved by a Thanksgiving food coma
- is not porn - yay!
- Baking, funky caching, and tarballs for weblog cryo storage
- .NET on OS X?
- XML-RPC case study redux, Part II: REST and I
- XML-RPC case study redux, Part I: Setting
- XML-RPC, a mini case study
- Hammer that round peg into that round hole
- Bellyflop Into RDF
- Moblogging or BlogWalking, all the same to me
- Cool URIs don't change
- Let's play Marco Polo with RFID!
- Email as command line
- Really, this time, I wanna come back
- Broken project download links fixed
- Bitterness from the halls of Decafbad?
- Bitterness from the halls of Xanadu
- On tilling a plot to plant a Semantic Garden
- Why the frell hasn't the Semantic Web bloomed yet?
When I grow up...
- Note to self & things to do
- If at first you don't succeed, Zoe, Zoe again?
- What the frell is the Semantic Web
- I've resisted Googlisming until now
- I've been on the Death March road
- Not dead yet.
- RSS icon in CSS & HTML
- Status check, damage report
- Is the iBook supposed to make that noise?
- A new toy, and blaming Vinge
- Microsoft and Clip Art Follies
- It's all about the conversation, not the referrer logs.
- A breakthrough in outline transclusion!
- Testing Net::Blogger
- Cheers and tears, too
- MTCleanHTMLPlugin has a competitor
- Dangerous BlogWalking
- Pingback and embedded metadata in (X)HTML
- On RSS and Namespaces
- Yes, chicks do dig Mac OS X.
- Packaging tweak to MTCleanHTMLPlugin
- MTCleanHTMLPlugin - borrowing a page from LJ, literally.
- Automated Pingback vs Human Talkback - Which is more humane?
- Exodus to JohnCompanies in progress
- TrackBack strikes back
- Pingback may one-up TrackBack
- Pingback one-ups TrackBack
Per-post comment RSS feeds
- Running Classic from a disk image?
- FOAF me, FOAF you, FOAF everyone
- I like JohnCompanies servers
- The line between man and machine
- I'm finally timeshifting radio again
- Personal contact data aggregators?
- MT-Search + Wiki for K-Logging?
- AmphetaOutlines doomsday prevention update
- TWiki + Automatic MT-Search = WeblogWithWiki
- The libraries, they are a shiftin' again
- More on the Monster Mash
- We can be Monsters, just for one day
- Trip into BlogWalking
- Beware the fink update-all
- What Would Murphy Do?
- Blogwalking on a Zaurus in progress?
- From Amiga to Macintosh
- Zauri, BlogWalking, Smart Mobs and other oddities
- Idle horsepower leads to insanity
- Once more into the RSS breach - what's the catch?
- RSS "2.0" - What's the catch?
- Further down the LiveJournal spiral
- Some quickies
- XML-RPC to NNTP to XML-RPC to ...
- Construction on the orbital mind control laser platform has begun
- LiveJournal largely ignored, but why?
- Interop: Movable Type IM-based pub/sub?
- Outlining + IM = On Fire
- Would the real RSS please stand up?
- "...ideas are fucking worthless."
- AmphetaOutlines fix download page fixed
- Comments rise from the ashes
- Dead comments, they keep calling me
- A warning about MTXmlRpcFilterPlugin use
- AmphetaOutline fix. No, really.
- Of hosting woes and hippy nerd commune servers
- Whew, take a breath, get some lunch.
- On grousing about Dave's exit from a mailing list
- And I didn't even know 0xDECAFBAD had soul!
- Note to self
- First semi-satisfied plugin customer
- Protect your customers from the RIAA
- Movable Type plugin for Wiki Formatting and XML-RPC Filtering Pipelines
- Working on a Wiki format MT plugin
- I love it when Dave invokes Murphy.
- Bayesian filters, the ultimate anti-spam weapon?
- It's about the dots that connect themselves
- ChoiceMail, the ultimate anti-spam weapon?
- Java Web Start r0xx0rs
- My god, it's full of connected dots
- Living la vida regex
- Bean Markup Language creator speaks!
- Bean Markup Language revealed, sorta!
- Where art thou, Bean Markup Project?
- Further adventures in Java!
- Referrers and the Fish
- Summer's almost over
- Ampheta + Windows + Outlines: Once More with Feeling
- Windows + AmphetaDesk + Outlines + Metadata
AmphetaDesk and Outlines: Together again
- Well intentioned links drive the herd to stampede
- The Natives are Growing Restless.
- AmphetaDesk + Outlines + iTunes 3, the next iteration
- Why I don't have to like "Monday:"
- Throwing out babies with bathwater
- News Aggregation meets iTunes3 / Web vs Native GUI
- Gone fishing?
- Open Source partition juggling?
- The Snake Oil wagon rolls through my referral logs
- Making a return to the fields of Java
- Where in the world is L. M. Orchard?
- Adventures in DNS-land
- LiveJournal adds news aggregation
- The Heian Web
- YAPC 2002: "They always shut up when you talk about boobies"
- VerisignOff from broken registrars
- Digital photography the Lomography way?
- MT & TrackBack, part the second
- TrackBack in MT 2.2
- Welcome to the wonderful world of digital photography.
- Busy but not too busy to warchalk
- Ex-smoking bloggers of the world... breathe!
- LiveJournal for K-Logs?!
- Game delayed due to illness
- Recent RSS readers in RSS
AmphetaDesk v0.93 rolls out of bed
- Aggregators taking over the desktop
- How to know when not to worry before grokking?
Even Mozilla supports RSS autodetection. Sorta.
- News aggregators to converge toward Lifestreams/Scopeware interface?
- Interactive shells uber alles!
- Tiffany's not here: A mystery of Google senility?
- IRC quotes database sucking my productivity
- Whitelist / reverse-filtering spam shield
- (Re)defining the News Aggregator
- Identifying RSS readers, and obsessively watching referrers in RSS
- Linkbacks, robots, laziness, the semantic web, and you - part II
- RSS + XSLT for a cleaner world
AmphetaDesk approacheth, and I infect it with Cocoa and outlines.
- In the distant post-apocalyptic future...
- More autodiscovery for bots: Finding weblogs via RSS referers
- No .NET for you
- Just say no to stripes
- Aggregator vapor trail wishes fulfilled in Radio
- The 'zilla has awakened! (Now what?)
- This infovore leaves vapor trails
- You got your blog URL in my RSS referrer!
LiveJournal comes back to the RSS fold, adds autodiscovery
- http://referers/are/easy/to/fake/
- Blogchat's on and no one
- RSS autodiscovery update
- Rock bangers are people too
Personal digital cameras for a photoblog?
- Beyond Backlinks, LiveJournal connections, and David Brin's Earth
- AmphetaDesk / Radio + autodiscovered RSS feeds
- RSS autodiscovery via the HTML LINK element
- Obsolete Research Dooms Author to Irrelevance
- A query on scheduling WinXP programs, and Radio resource demands
- The kuro5iv3 force of the wiki
- Of metalinks, linkbacks, and Cocoa AmphetaDesk
- Not dead yet, just resting
- Yes, I am an outline nut
- Secret weapons of LISP and Perl
- Ideas on a next iteration of the linkback implementation
- Of alligators and bloxsoms
- Mass media & consumer culture, a mind-virus threat?
- Improved linkback scripts, and finalizing the site move
- Conference blogging and linkbacks
- Migrating to a new host
- Cramming the airwaves into my mac
- Rock bangers, unite!
- DECAFBAD's gone all wobbly
- IFRAME vs JavaScript-include - FIGHT!
- Javascript-enabled linkbacks, part deux
- Linksback to the danger zone
- Mr. Downes' Javascript-based referrers
- I can do quickies as well as the next blog
- Onto the next day job subversion: K-Logging
- It's about-time.
- Simple, neat elegance: Wiki, weblog, and design
- Great minds can now blog alike with Radio
- back up and about, limping a bit
- More visitors come calling
- Linkbacks, robots, laziness, the semantic web, and you.
- Linkbacks, biology, and killer P2P blog plumbing.
- Blosxom. Why ask why?
- How many blogs do you have, and why?
- Homebrew PVR, or TiVo?
- Bathroom breaks and golden geese
- Boy, do I dislike Verisign.
- Micropoll: verdict=nifty
- Facelift needed around here?
- Digging my heels in on the Windows
- Down, but not out.
- Wil Wheaton vs Soul Coughing - FIGHT!
- RDF, whitelist spam filtering, and personal metadata
- REST, Part the Third.
- REST: What's it good for? Part Deux
- Hot patching, Radio UserLand, and not Microsoft
- Thanks, kuro5hin. Decaf is bad. Caffeine is good.
- I wish Radio sent me blog URLs as referers on news aggregator hits
- Today's referers, PHP, and you! (Okay, maybe not you.)
- Playing with ZOE, some assembly required
- Tearing down fences around DecafbadWiki
- Can ZOE make my mail intertwingly?
- On the destructive/constructive nature of news aggregation
- Yes, I actually do get out and have a life sometimes :)
- On home servers and extreme personal PCs
- The bunsen burners still burn and the beakers still... um... beak.
- Sort me to the top, baby.
- You are a beautiful and unique snowflake, to me anyway.
- Blinded by mad science
- Linkbacks and viva le two-way-web!
- Going bananas with the referers
- Mach-O Mach-O Moz! I wanna use a Mach-O Moz!
- New and Improved! Now with nearly ubiquitous referral links
- Windowshading == outlining for window management
- Need to learn more deep XML
- A menagerie of HexOddities
- Auto-backlinks from blog entries via referral logs
- Pipelining the web makes for messy URLs
- Google Boxes? Permasearch?
- REST. What is it good for?
- GoogleToRss seems broken now
- CNET Blast from the past
- Google 2 RSS, 0xDECAFBAD style
- Disintermediating the Bestsellers List
- I've been Dave-dotted.
Blogchat resurrected on
- Blogchat needs resurrection
- Perusing the referrals
- Yay, I'm a pioneer. Or indecisive. Or something. I dunno!
- Reinventing wheels versus using the perfectly good set you have
- LiveJournal XML-RPC + metaWeblog API
- A personal server & Multi-threaded vs Async / Event-driven programming
- web bug / cgi-based access_log emulator?
- Need to turn my Subscriptions into a 'blogroll'
- More Google API musing -- "404 Correction" in a personal HTTP proxy via Google's cache
- What to do about the Google API
- Novell's adventures in orange-and-white XML buttons
- Google Web API is here
- Someone else using SSI as a CMS
- Is there reason in the masses, or only sheep going baa baa baa?
- Really automated automaticwriter?
- Sometimes I think Radio UserLand has too much bootstrap
- SSI, Sibling Blogs, RssDisplay, and Grousing
- Via Eric Freeman's Radio Weblog:
- PipeFilters 0.3.7 published
- Playing around with PipeFilter updates and the Memepoolizer
- PipeFilters v0.3.5 Released
- From My Instant Outline @ 4/7/02; 8:58:55 PM
- coding opensource for profit
- Mother of all hello world for Cocoon 2
- More adventures in Instant Outlining.
- Hmm... need to simplify the site template
- DecafbadWiki RecentChanges in OPML
- Trying to post from my Radio UserLand instant outline
- Just upgraded to MT 2.0
- decafbad is getting left out of the pipeline
- Instant outlining comes to RadioUserLand
- XmlRpcFilteringPipes are alive in RadioUserLand
- Perceptible interface + laziness threshold = weblog silence
- XML-RPC + Wiki + SVG = Nifty?
- See wiki links and pages unfolding before your eyes
- Why I have a blog on the front page of 0xDECAFBAD
- Need to tweak up the volume
- Move over BloggerAPI, now there's something meatier
- DecafbadWiki is an OS X service on my iBook now
- In case you're all wondering
- Trying out both technology and
- Testing out technology channel.
- aaronland vs 0xDECAFBAD -- Link!
The mind bomb of XmlRpcFilteringPipes and a web command line
- Welcome RdFlowers, and wiki reg considered harmful?
- XmlRpcToWiki interfaces updated and in synch with API
- From Slashcode to Radio UserLand?
- A new project idea for simulating LiveJournal's Friends
- Project quickies
- Partial stab at MoinMoin XML-RPC interface
- Still playing with templates
- To Slashcode or not to SLashcode
- More sites like this...
- How to TiVOize your PC? Been there, done that.
- Where oh where did my little httpd go?
- Almost done with another implementation of the Wiki XML-RPC API
- 0xDECAFBAD is trying to find itself.
- Tweaking the Wiki, building APIs and bridges
- Trying out a new site layout
- Testing out BlogChat:
- Second verse, same as the
- Testing my new MT template.
- It's quiet. Too quiet. Actually,
- And another thing: on UNIX-y development
- Wanted: A non-ugly stylesheet
- The game is afoot. Or something. Not really.
- Blew the dust off the BBS
- As finished and ready as I'm inclined to make it at the moment.
- How meta, blogging about getting the blog blogging
- I've got coffee stains all over my blog
- TWiki is up and running
- Yay,it all works.
- Here, I'll throw another one in
- This is a test