Tag: hacks
Animating Mermaid diagrams with terrible hacks
Upgrading my Couch PC monitor, v1.2
Building my couch computing station
Gaming from the Orchard House couch
- Ficlets enhanced author feed, an XSL scraper hack
- i'm in the nintendo ds homebrew club now
- Ajaxitagging
- Stupid fun with fax machines
- Yahoo for stalking iPods in the hands of couriers
- RedHanded » Announcing the MouseHole Proxy
Building an Address Book as a Modern Web App
- XPath based Python dictionaries, on loan
- mysql and XML output
Wish-of-the-Month Club, Part 3 of 3
- A mini-scraper for the playlist at radioio Rock
- Wish-of-the-Month Club, Part 2 of 3
- Wish-of-the-Month Club, Part 1 of 3