Go West, Young Man!

In the first half of this year, I've been really busy. My fits of posts and stretches of silence around here can attest to that. In fact, I've been so busy that I managed to finish a book, get married, and go on a honeymoon - all whilst being fully engaged in a dayjob.

My new wife had it easy this year - instead of her usual full load of university classes and all the jobs she does for both of us, all she had to do was plan a wedding and arrange a honeymoon! (And in case you've never planned a wedding, you should know that I'm being sarcastic here. My lovely bride has been busier than you could imagine. I helped, but not nearly enough.)

The one thing that we haven't done this year - which I've somehow managed to do almost every year for the past decade - is packup and move. We even moved last year while I was in the middle of writing my first book, albeit only about a quarter-mile down the road.

The obvious conclusion, then, is that neither my wife nor I have been busy enough this year. It's time to move again.

But, there'll be no cakewalk quarter-mile jaunts for us this time. No, this year - in fact, in the next month - we'll somehow be moving almost 2500 miles away. Yes, that's right: We're moving from the Detroit, MI area to the Bay Area in California, and I'm not quite sure how it's all going to work out. But, I do know that we need to be there before July 17th.

And, why is the 17th of July a significant date, you ask? Well, that's when I start work at Yahoo! in Santa Clara, of course.

I've tried to be a bit cagey about my job and employers over the past few years, just to avoid difficulties and unnecessary disclosures - but this change in career is a big one that I just can't keep under wraps. Of course, I'm not planning to blog every little detail and become another "fired for blogging" statistic on the superhighway, but I'm admitting this much. And, damn, am I excited.

Archived Comments

  • This is great news! I interviewed at Yahoo late last year and they seem like a great group of people. Very together. I had to decline as I've moved on to other things, but I'm glad to see that they're picking up more awesome coders! What projects will you be working on?

  • Congratulations, Leslie. :D

  • I didn't think Michigan could keep you forever - good luck in your travels. !

  • Congrats on the move, the job and the fun ahead...

    We've got you beat by a day for our Great Move West... and yes the apartment shopping business is madness but it can be done if you're determined... The tools are Craigslist + laptop or something that can do yahoo maps (in your case) + cell phone seemed to do the trick... 3 weeks ago we looked at 35 apartments in 4 days and eventually found a place... One tip: try to stay with friends during the search as they'll keep you sane and you won't lose your marital glow...

    Dealing with the movers and trying to pack and purge possessions is the most awful part of the process even worse than the housing search...

  • oh yeah, for them you move! :)

    congrats, man

  • Congrats, Les--I guess you're not totally burned out on Del.icio.us after that book ;)

    Looking forward to more great stuff from you,


  • Congrats, man!

  • There goes the Midwest! We lose another one to the Bay Area... in other words, Congrats Les! Yahoo! is very lucky...

  • Congratulations! Welcome to the bay area.

  • Congrats. As a former Yahoo (I worked in the UK office while in London for a couple of years) I'm sure you'll love it!

  • Congratulations Les! We look forward to seeing all the Y! AJAX libraries getting a serious workout ;)

  • Double congrats! That is on the job and the wedding. I understand how your wife probably felt with the planning...I still shudder when I think about planning mine. Although I was working a full time job and trying to plan a Wisconsin wedding while living in Ohio...wedding planning is a lot of work not matter what the circumstance. I'm glad you survived and I'm sure you'll survive your move too!

  • Can't wait to see you in the Bay Area! Looks like I'm moving back just at the right time!

  • I need more ds frend codes

  • well, you moved back :)

Go West, but Where?  Previous Honeymoon is go! Next