Adventures in DNS-land

Ack! So I was trying to switch my PairNIC-hosted domain over to DynDNS's Custom DNS service last week. I thought all was well, since I followed the directions exactly. As it was, it really only consisted of "Set your domain's nameservers to ns[1-5]". So I did that, then left for a few days. Come back and I see that it failed miserably, and took 36 hours or so to switch back to ZoneEdit. Grr. The only thing I noticed was that ?PairNIC's control panel appeared to randomize the order of the nameserver addresses I entered, and ?DynDNS had a note in the docs stating that I needed to have only ?DynDNS nameservers listed in my record and no mixing with other DNS hosts. Could it be that ?DynDNS is picky about the order in which my record lists nameservers?

Grr. Well, I'm back on the air. I just hope not too many of you out there with news aggregators and auto-unsub-on-error have had me slide off your lists.


Archived Comments

  • You don't say why you changed away from ZoneEdit to DynDNS. I use Zoneedit for dynamic DNS by using a perl script based on the one they provide. It's been belly belly good to me.
  • Hmm, actually, no good reason except that I've been using for years for a domain on my home machines, noticed they had something similar for domains, and thought I'd try them out. Now that you mention that, I really need to look further into ZoneEdit. It all goes back to not fixing what ain't broke. *smacks forehead*
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